Near The Parenthesis - L'Eixample

Near The Parenthesis

L'Eixample \ CD / Digital

  • modernisme
  • cerda`s plan
  • a brief walk in the sea
  • guell
  • smdm
  • the second nave
  • empty square
  • paral.lel
  • departing gate
Near the Parenthesis follows up 2007's "Of Soft Construction" with "L'Eixample," Tim Arndt's most focused work to date. L'Eixample draws on inspiration gained during travels through Barcelona, Spain. Of particular interest was the innovative and sometimes peculiar modernist architecture of the L'Eixample district. In Catalunyan, L'Eixample literally means an extension, a strong symbolic parallel to the music found on Arndt's latest work which itself reflects an extension of the Near the Parenthesis' sound. While this collection begins where "Of Soft Construction" left off, it quickly migrates to an even calmer and more atmospheric experience. Through L'Eixample, Arndt has moved closer to an an emotional apex and provides even greater melodic rewards. Learn more about Near The Parenthesis

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